
Total number of scaleups

No. by employee growth

No. by turnover growth

No. by employee and turnover growth

Total employees

Total turnover

Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Employee Growth

Softcat provides IT infrastructure including data centres and network security services.

Buckingham Group Contracting
Buckingham Group Contracting provides construction, building and civil engineering services on a contractual basis.

TSL Projects
TSL Projects offers a range of outsourced services to manufacturing and engineering companies.

Sorbon Estates
Sorbon Estates operates a commercial property estate agency.

GreenTech Distribution
GreenTech Distribution recycles old mobile devices by refurbishing them and wiping their data and then selling them onto clients.

Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Turnover Growth

Lucas Auto Centre
Lucas Auto Centre operates a car showroom.

MSCM manufactures and supplies subsea equipment to the oil and gas industry.

Cartridge World Retail
Cartridge World Retail retails a range of printer cartridges.

British Honey Producers
British Honey Producers operates a bee farm.

Sorbon Estates
Sorbon Estates operates a commercial property estate agency.

Local LEP ScaleUp Programmes

Buckinghamshire continues to have a large portfolio of support available for scaleups. The Growth Programme specifically supports businesses with aspirations to grow and offers masterclasses in Strategic Planning, Finance and Digital Marketing, as well as 1:1 support and peer to peer learning.
The MD Ngage programme offers facilitated peer-to-peer learning designed to inspire business leaders allowing them to discuss challenges and share issues of business interest. The Buckinghamshire LEP is also championing simplified cooperation with universities and workspaces for incubation and collaboration.
Up to 90 business owners / senior executives are being supported to participate in the Peer Networks initiative helping them find practical solutions to strategic and operational changes.

Scaleup Views

The key barriers to growth are Talent , Markets and Finance. They are looking for support through LEPs/Growth Hubs, Local or national government and Procurement contracts.

Top barriers to growth

  1. Talent
  2. Markets
  3. Finance

want TO SEE more of:

  • LEPs/Growth Hubs
  • Local or national government
  • Procurement contracts

The Growth Hub’s Growth Programme, together with other programmes of support such as Peer Networks, Mentoring, and MD Ngage will continue to provide support for those businesses in need of it throughout 2021/22.