Buckinghamshire Thames Valley

Total number of scaleups

No. by employee growth

No. by turnover growth

No. by employee and turnover growth

Total employees

Total turnover
Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Employee Growth
PHD provides bespoke scaffolding building services.
MLL Telecom
MLL Telecom provides telecommunications services to public sector bodies and large businesses.
Comland operates a property development company.
Life Build Solutions
Life Build Solutions operates a property construction company, specialising in refurbishment and new build projects across a range of sectors.
Simply Waste Solutions
Simply Waste Solutions provides bin collection services for waste and recycling, alongside specialist waste management services such as confidential or hazardous waste.
Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Turnover Growth
Comland operates a property development company.
PHD provides bespoke scaffolding building services.
Garrard Windows
Garrard Windows sells UPVC and aluminium doors and windows to trade.
QHS provides gas maintenance and repair services.
The Practice
The Practice is a healthcare provider. It is contracted by the NHS to run clinics and surgeries.
Local LEP ScaleUp Programmes
Buckinghamshire has a range of services for scaleups focused on overcoming barriers such as leadership skills, access to new markets, investment readiness, grant funding and infrastructure. The Growth Programme is a specific programme supporting businesses with aspirations to grow and offers masterclasses in growing your business from Cranfield School of Management as well as investment readiness masterclasses, plus peer to peer networking. In addition MD Ngage programme features facilitated peer-to-peer discussion over a longer time periods allowing business leaders to discuss and share issues of business interest. The LEP is also championing simplified cooperation with universities and workspaces for incubation and collaboration.
Sector skills groups have also been set up through a collaboration between Bucks LEP, The Skills Hub and The Buckinghamshire Business First Growth Hub with work focussing mainly on skills in the workplace and apprenticeships.
Scaleup Views
The key barriers to growth are access to UK markets, access to talent, leadership development and access to international markets. They are looking for a range of support, including local professional services and Growth Hubs, as well as from banks and Innovate UK.
Top barriers to growth
- Access to talent
- Leadership development
- Access to UK markets
- Access to international markets
want TO SEE more of:
- Growth Hubs
- Local professional services e.g. accountants and lawyers
- Banks and other financial suppliers
- Innovate UK
- public sector funding for innovation and R&D