Cornwall and Isles of Scilly

Total number of scaleups

No. by employee growth

No. by turnover growth

No. by employee and turnover growth

Total employees

Total turnover
Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Employee Growth
Helston Garages
Helston Garages provides car repair and fuel services.
Fred Champion
Fred Champion operates a groundworks contracting business.
Seasalt designs and manufactures clothing that it sells in its stores.
Mitchell & Webber
Mitchell & Webber provides oil delivery services to Cornwall’s residents, agricultural community and commercial industries. The company also offers boiler and heating system servicing.
Trewithen Dairy
Trewithen Dairy operates a dairy farm and produces a variety of dairy products.
Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Turnover Growth
Fahey’s Concrete
Fahey’s Concrete supplies consumers and the construction industry with concrete blocks and mixes, and offers a range of building services including driveway, foundations and patio construction.
Falfish supplies fresh and frozen seafood specialising in responsibly sourced scallops.
Resonance offers financial advisory services to social enterprises.
Porthia Group
Porthia Group operates Cornwallis Care Services, which runs a number of care homes.
Worval Holdings
Worval Holdings operates a holdings company for a number of holiday homes and cottages.
Local LEP ScaleUp Programmes
High-growth companies continue to be referred to programmes such as the ‘Future Focus’ programme delivered by Unlocking Potential and the University of Exeter. Companies take part in peer-to-peer workshops during which they develop an action plan and are offered access to innovation coaching, academic research and expertise and funding for equipment. A special element of the programme is the Knowledge Exchange which supports business to test whether there is a likely market for their business ideas or innovation.
They may also be referred to the CIOS Investment Fund – a collaboration between the LEP and the British Business Bank which provides commercially-focused finance through a £40 million Debt and Equity Fund. Companies can access funding from £25,000 to £2 million to help them grow.
In addition, CIOS operates a Skills Hub alongside the Growth Hub to provide skills analysis and enable scaling businesses access training for their workforce in order to respond to the reported skills gap in the region. Business leaders can access a personalised Skills Toolkit to carry out a skills review of their company, conduct effective staff appraisals, create appropriate policies and recruit staff.
Scaleup Views
The key barriers to growth are Markets in the UK, Bank/debt finance, Infrastructure and Procurement/Supply chains. They are looking for support through LEPs/Growth Hubs, Innovate UK, DIT, procurement contracts and local or national government.
Top barriers to growth
- Markets in the UK
- Bank/debt finance
- Infrastructure
- Procurement/Supply chains
want TO SEE more of:
- LEPs/Growth Hubs
- Innovate UK
- Procurement contracts
- Local or national government