Cornwall and Isles of Scilly

Total number of scaleups

No. by employee growth

No. by turnover growth

No. by employee and turnover growth

Total employees

Total turnover
Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Employee Growth
St Piran’s School
St Piran’s School operates a private school.
Westward Building Services
Westward Building Services supplies a range of hardware and parts, such as hinges, handles and power tools.
Resonance offers financial advisory services to social enterprises.
Porthia Group
Porthia Group operates Cornwallis Care Services, which runs a number of care homes.
Trewithen Dairy
Trewithen Dairy operates a dairy farm and produces a variety of dairy products.
Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Turnover Growth
Elite Labour Solutions
Elite Labour Solutions supplies workers to farms and factories.
Cockwells builds and restores yachts.
Goonhilly Earth Station
Goonhilly Earth Station (GES) operates a space science park that provides satellite communication services, among other things, as well as running a tourist visitor centre.
Rosie’s Kitchen
Rosie’s Kitchen operates a cafe, offering a range of food and drink.
CCL Southwest
CCL Southwest provides commercial cleaning services.
Local LEP ScaleUp Programmes
The Future Focus programme uses specialist support through online growth and innovation planning sessions, access to labs and bespoke business research from the University of Exeter combined with innovation coaching, recruitment support and access to innovation grants. Gamechanger events give business leaders the opportunity to gain insights and inspiration from world-leading experts and innovators. The CIOS Investment Fund, a collaboration with the Business Bank gives scaleups access to a £40 million equity fund and scaling businesses can apply for equity funding from £25,000 to £2m to support further growth. A Skills Hub operates alongside the CIOS Growth Hub and offers skills analysis to scaleups. Scaling companies receive tailored Skills Toolkits to review their skills base, nurture talent and inform future recruitment and retention strategies. The Create Growth Programme programme rolling out in January 2023 following a pilot is a DCMS and Innovate UK funded programme that will provide support to scaling businesses in the creative industries focused on building leadership capability and becoming investment ready.
Scaleup Views
The key barriers to growth are UK Markets & International Markets / Access to infrastructure/premises / broadband/, Debt & Equity Finance / Access to the talent you can hire and . They are looking for support through Funding/support for innovation and R&D and Peer to peer networks and want easier access to Large corporates and J3.
Top barriers to growth
- UK Markets & International Markets / Access to infrastructure/premises / broadband/
- Debt & Equity Finance / Access to the talent you can hire
want TO SEE more of:
- Funding/support for innovation and R&D
- Peer to peer networks
- Large corporates
- Banks and other financial suppliers