
Total number of scaleups

No. by employee growth

No. by turnover growth

No. by employee and turnover growth

Total employees

Total turnover
Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Employee Growth
Lloyd Motor Group
The Lloyd Motor Group operates a number of car dealerships throughout the UK that sell new and used vehicles, and provide repair services.
The Edinburgh Woollen Mill
The Edinburgh Woollen Mill operates a number of clothing stores, specialising in knitwear products.
Story Contracting
Story Contracting offers construction and civil engineering services, specialising in transport infrastructure projects.
Point on Trackwork
Point on Trackwork provide railway maintenance services.
Westmorland Family
Westmorland Family operates a number of motorway service stations with farm shops and kitchens, small hotels and caravan parks.
Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Turnover Growth
Russell Armer
Russell Armer operates a home construction and property development company.
Totalpost Services
Totalpost Services manufactures and supplies mailroom equipment and consumables.
The Trout Hotel
The Trout Hotel operates a hotel which features a restaurant and bar, and caters for a range of events including weddings and corporate functions.
Lakeland Leisure Estates
Lakeland Leisure Estates operates a chain of holiday parks.
Murrays Pharmacies
Murrays Pharmacies operates a number of pharmacies and an online store that sells a variety of pharmaceuticals, supplements and healthcare products.
Local LEP ScaleUp Programmes
Cumbria is supporting growing businesses through a range of schemes. A toolkit available through ‘Profitable Business Growth’ helps businesses develop and become more more competitiv while a web portal gives business leaders access to readily available learning opportunities with a strong focus on real life business solutions. The Growth Hub Subsidy Scheme match funds up to £1500 to pay for specialist support such as marketing advice, web development and social media. Businesses are also matched with a business adviser to help them set out an action plan and apply for the subsidy. In addition, an expert team of around 40 Growth Hub advisers – all experienced business owners with varied industry backgrounds – help ambitious businesses to review opportunities, challenges and needs, then provide 1-2-1 advice and coaching.
The Centre for Leadership Performance develops Cumbria’s business leaders to compete effectively in regional, UK and worldwide markets through leadership consultancy, a leader to leader programme of peer learning, mentoring workshops and shadowing opportunities.
Scaleup Views
The key barriers to growth are Finance, Markets and Talent. They are looking for support through Local or national government, British Business Bank and LEPs/Growth Hubs.
Top barriers to growth
- Finance
- Markets
- Talent
want TO SEE more of:
- Local or national government
- British Business Bank
- LEPs/Growth Hubs