Greater Cambridge and Greater Peterborough

Total number of scaleups

No. by employee growth

No. by turnover growth

No. by employee and turnover growth

Total employees

Total turnover

Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Employee Growth

Inivata develops a cancer screening technique that uses circulating DNA analysis as an alternative to invasive biopsies.

Microdot supplies medical equipment for diabetic patients.

Ninja Theory
Ninja Theory creates offline and mobile video games and sells game related merchandise in their online store.

Enterprise Property Group
Enterprise Property Group redevelops a wide array of residential properties such as restoring historic buildings to the renewal of urban areas into contemporary homes.

Darktrace has developed security software that identifies behavioural anomalies that could signal security threats.

Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Turnover Growth

Azuri Technologies
Azuri Technologies supplies solar panel units to individuals in rural Africa, where the costs are recovered using a “pay as you go” system which lasts for 18 months, at the end of which the panel can be upgraded or is free to use.

Kirly Limited
Kirly Limited operates several divisions providing insurance, property development and equity.

Featurespace develops software which uses machine learning to analyse customer activity, aiming to predict future individual behaviour. It also aims to prevent and intercept online fraud and optimise marketing conversions in real time.

Luminance develops a piece of software that uses artificial intelligence to process large volumes of documents before analysing, condensing and visualising their contents. This can be used to perform due diligence and analysis on companies.

Secondmind develops machine learning algorithms that improve the decision-making of theirartificial intelligence robots, used in applications such as smart-city simulations, and games.

Local LEP ScaleUp Programmes

Scaleups can benefit from a comprehensive range of specialist programmes in the region spanning science, technology and low carbon innovation. Support includes access to finance, new markets, knowledge transfer as well as partnerships with academia and training and mentoring programmes. Growth Works supports scaling and growth-ambitious businesses across the region to scale further through peer learning, masterclasses, dedicated courses and 1-2-1 consultancy. Babraham life science hub combines flexible working space with comprehensive support programmes and close links to academic and the latest research. The Bradfield Centre – in partnership with Cambridge University – provides flexible co-working space and further support to local tech businesses. Finally, the Low Carbon Innovation Fund (LCIF)allows scaling businesses access equity finance fof projects aimingreduction to Greenhouse Gas emissions.

Scaleup Views

The key barriers to growth are UK Markets & International Markets, Access to the talent you can hire / Debt & Equity Finance and . They are looking for support through Funding/support for innovation and R&Dand want easier acces to British Business Bank.

Top barriers to growth

  1. UK Markets & International Markets
  2. Access to the talent you can hire / Debt & Equity Finance

want TO SEE more of:

  • Funding/support for innovation and R&D
  • British Business Bank

Peterborough is seeking to become one of the UK’s new ‘investment zones’ to support local business growth through new tax and planning incentives. A new Eagle Lab will be established in The Bradfield Centre offering specialist support to the tech ecosystem and the recently launched Create Growth programme will support creative scaling businesses in the Cambridge area.