Heart of the South West

Total number of scaleups

No. by employee growth

No. by turnover growth

No. by employee and turnover growth

Total employees

Total turnover
Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Employee Growth
Silverline Tools
Silverline Tools manufactures and supplies a variety of hand tools, power tools and accessories.
Multipanel manufactures aluminium panels.
Sustainable Drainage Systems
Sustainable Drainage Systems designs and manufactures a range of water management systems for the domestic, agricultural and industrial sectors.
Brothers Drinks Co.
The Brothers Drinks Co. produces and sells variety of flavoured ciders.
Protexin Healthcare
Protexin Healthcare creates a range of probiotic products.
Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Turnover Growth
Plessey Semiconductors
Plessey Semiconductors designs and manufactures semiconductors.
Abbey Manor Group
Abbey Manor Group builds and manages commercial properties.
Applied Automation
Applied Automation manufactures automated equipment, including industrial machinery and smart home technology. It also operates a number of varying divisions such as NET-IT which provides IT support, and Applied Graphics , specialising in sign manufacturing.
Offsite Solutions
Offsite Solutions manufactures bathroom pods for contractors and developers.
Brothers Drinks Co.
The Brothers Drinks Co. produces and sells variety of flavoured ciders.
Local LEP ScaleUp Programmes
The LEP has partnered with Inspire to deliver their Inspire Elite Programme throughout the Heart of the South West area. The programme launched in Somerset in May and in Devon in October and the plans are to work with up to 55 businesses during the first year of the programme which will run through to September 2020.
The programme will combine peer-to-peer networking and education, one-to-one advice, and mentoring of senior management team. Inspire has linked with Goldman Sachs to introduce members to the 10,000 Small Businesses UK programme.
To compliment this programme the Growth Hub sign-posts and refers businesses to programmes that help them grow, including the Inspire Programme. Its website has a specific section for businesses looking to scale, detailing opportunities that cover Innovation, Access to Markets, Building Leadership Capacity & Accessing Talent, and Space & Infrastructure.
Scaleup Views
The key barriers to growth are access to talent, access to UK markets and access to infrastructure/premises and broadband. They are looking for support through banks and other financial suppliers, funding for innovation and local universities / business schools.
Top barriers to growth
- Access to talent
- Access to UK markets
- Access to infrastructure/premises and broadband
want TO SEE more of:
- Local universities/business schools
- Banks and other financial suppliers
- Public sector funding for innovation and R&D
- General business support from government
- Innovate UK