
Total number of scaleups

No. by employee growth

No. by turnover growth

No. by employee and turnover growth

Total employees

Total turnover
Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Employee Growth
P.D. Hook
P.D. Hook operates an agriculture and farming business with rearing, hatching and growing operations and supplies to the Poultry and Retail industries.
AirTanker manufactures and leases a specialised aircraft model that can be used to refuel other aircraft in mid-flight.
Lucy Group
Lucy Group operates a collection of companies; Lucy Electric , Lucy Real Estate , Lucy Zodion and Lucy Castings.
D’Overbroeck’s operates an independent day and boarding school.
Newton provides management consultancy services to a range of industries.
Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Turnover Growth
Oxford Gene Technology
Oxford Gene Technology develops and manufactures a range of laboratory tests for genetic profiling, as well as offering genetic testing services.
Reaction Engines
Reaction Engines has developed a lightweight heat exchanger, which cools hot air, for the aerospace industry. The company is also developing a hybrid rocket and jet engine, together with a spaceplane that can fly through space and the Earth’s atmosphere.
P.D. Hook
P.D. Hook operates an agriculture and farming business with rearing, hatching and growing operations and supplies to the Poultry and Retail industries.
The Learning Partnership.com
The Learning Partnership.com operates a social network aimed at teaching and learning about science, technology, engineering and maths.
Henley Rugby Club
Henley Rugby Club operates a number of rugby teams.
OxLEP has extended its Innovation Support for Business Programme, which sits alongside eScalate and which together provide significant support worth £10m – including grants and expertise to scaling companies. This is reinforced by a mature support infrastructure that includes Oxfordshire Sciences Innovations, Enterprise Europe Network, Oxfordshire Investment Opportunity Network. There is also maturing cluster support based in around the Harwell Campus eco-system which provides access to physical space and science-led facilitates and capabilities that are essential for scaling businesses as well as the business incubation centres supported at Harwell and the University which are critical in nurturing emerging scale-up businesses.
The Harwell Cross-Cluster Industrial Engagement Proof of Concept funding grant is targeted at collaborative research and development, with a multidisciplinary remit that encourages industry to engage with other organisations in innovative projects. The grant aims to support and grow new and existing companies through demonstrating the successful application of technologies, applications and processes in new ways. The Science and Technology Facilities Council has invested over £900,000 in early stage innovations and leveraged an additional £815,000 from businesses and other partner organisations.
The Oxfordshire Internationalisation Plan being developed in conjunction with the DIT was proposed in the region’s Local Industrial Strategy. It aims to increase Foreign Direct Investment, international trade and facilitate £1.5bn of capital investment in Oxfordshire, and enable the creation and safeguarding of 2,650 jobs, through providing support to 235 scalable companies to invest and export over five years
Scaleup Views
The key barriers to growth are Markets in the UK, Markets internationally, Public sector support and Infrastructure. They are looking for support through public sector funding for innovation/R&D, DIT, catapults, British Business Bank and Innovate UK.
Top barriers to growth
- Markets in the UK
- Markets internationally
- Public sector support
- Infrastructure
want TO SEE more of:
- Public sector funding for innovation/R&D
- Catapults
- British Business Bank
- Innovate UK