
Total number of scaleups

No. by employee growth

No. by turnover growth

No. by employee and turnover growth

Total employees

Total turnover

Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Employee Growth

Umbrella Contracts
Umbrella Contracts offers accountancy services to contractors.

TRS provides businesses and organisations with installation and management services related to refrigeration, mechanics and electronics.

Clintec provides consultancy services to businesses involved in clinical research and drug development.

The Natural Fruit and Beverage Company
The Natural Fruit and Beverage Company provides bespoke food packaging services to businesses, specialising in resealable pouches.

Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Turnover Growth

HFD Group
HFD Group operates a property construction company specialising in designing and building commercial properties.

First Tech
First Tech operates as a holding company for a number of businesses within the marine engineering and renewable energy industries.   First Marine Solutions and Mooring Systems specialise in installing and maintaining mooring units on oil rigs, First Subsea manufactures and supplies connecting equipment used to secure moorings, and Nautricity develops devices used to generate tidal energy.

Kirkwood Homes
Kirkwood Homes designs and constructs residential properties.

3b construction
3b construction provides a variety of construction and building services such as transport, plant building and equipment hire.

Morris Leslie
Morris Leslie sells and hires out construction and engineering machinery, operates auctions for vehicles and equipment, provides modular accommodation and self-storage facilities, and manages a portfolio of industrial, commercial, and residential property.

Local ScaleUp Programmes

Important initiatives include Strathclyde Business School’s Growth Advantage Programme and the ScaleUp Scotland Leadership Programme as well as a range of executive education designed to meet the needs of scaling companies.

Businesses receive support to access talent, infrastructure and investment as well opportunities to develop their leadership capacity and develop new international markets. This support is provided directly and through collaboration with private partners. This one-to-one service is underpinned by access to themed networking events, masterclasses, coaching programmes and tailored learning journeys and delivered in a way that encourages peer-to-peer support.

Scottish Enterprise and Highlands and Islands Enterprise have launched the Elite Scotland cohort, a strategic partnership with the London Stock Exchanges Elite programme and The Scale Up Scotland programme (a partnership between The Hunter Foundation, Scottish EDGE and Entrepreneurial Scotland) now has a second cohort of scaleup founders.

Scaleup Views

The key barriers to growth are access to UK markets, access to talent and access to infrastructure/premises and broadband. They are looking for support through peer networks, funding for innovation and R&D and general business support from government.

Top barriers to growth

  • Access to talent
  • Access to UK markets
  • Access to infrastructure/premises and broadband

want TO SEE more of:

  • Peer networks
  • Public sector funding for innovation and R&D
  • General business support from government

The agencies are working on executive education collaboration with the Scottish Funding Council and all Scottish universities to establish high quality, accessible executive education across Scotland and delivered by a collaborative university approach. Piloted delivery is due in the spring of 2020.