Sheffield City Region

Total number of scaleups

No. by employee growth

No. by turnover growth

No. by employee and turnover growth

Total employees

Total turnover
Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Employee Growth
Tommy Tucker
Tommy Tucker produces and supplies popcorn and confectionary products to the cinema and leisure industries.
Underwood produces and supplies a range of meats to restaurants and caterers.
Distinction Doors
Distinction Doors manufactures and sells a range of entrance doors. They specialise in manufacturing a polyester-and-oak-grain composite which has improved insulation and a real-wood appearance.
Pricecheck distributes a wide range of fast moving consumer goods.
Morris Metal
Morris Metal processes and recycles scrap metals produced from manufacturing and household waste.
Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Turnover Growth
Orbital Payroll Group
Orbital Payroll Group develops software designed to provide agency-based contractors with suitable payroll options.
M&D Foundations
M&D Foundations provides a range of structural works for projects in the construction sector, including underpinning, building foundations and basement walls.
Underwood produces and supplies a range of meats to restaurants and caterers.
Morris Metal
Morris Metal processes and recycles scrap metals produced from manufacturing and household waste.
Universal Recycling
Universal Recycling provides waste management services, specialising in recycling car parts, scrap metal and cables.
Local LEP ScaleUp Programmes
In September Sheffield City Region launched a Scale Up Initiative to which businesses can apply via a competitive process. As well as high-quality learning delivered by local university partners, the programme offers networking and peer learning opportunities and includes a range of industry speakers from high growth businesses.
The programme consists of learning modules spread across four workshop days held over three months to allow busy leaders to participate. Individual businesses are given their own dedicated Business Growth Specialist, whom they can call upon at any time during the programme and beyond. In addition, between each workshop they meet in 1-2-1 sessions. Sheffield City Region also organises peer-to-peer networking sessions for the cohort.
Scaleup Views
The key barriers to growth are access to tax breaks, access to talent, access to UK markets and access to bank finance. They are looking for support through banks and other financial suppliers, general business support from government, Innovate UK and local professional services.
Top barriers to growth
- Access to talent
- Access to UK markets
- Access to bank finance
- Access to tax breaks
want TO SEE more of:
- Local professional services e.g. accountants and lawyers
- Banks and other financial suppliers
- general business support from government
- Innovate UK
- procurement contracts