South East

Total number of scaleups

No. by employee growth

No. by turnover growth

No. by employee and turnover growth

Total employees

Total turnover
Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Employee Growth
Motorline sells new and used cars.
McLaren Construction
McLaren Construction provides construction services, including real estate development and commercial projects.
Hill Residential
Hill Residential operates a property construction company, specialising in new build and refurbished residential developments.
Shawbrook Bank
Shawbrook Bank operates a challenger bank, offering SMEs loans as well as providing consumer financial services.
Gates Group
Gates Group operates a car dealership, focussing on Ford cars.
Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Turnover Growth
Sharpfibre constructs a range of fire protection systems, including structural steel protection, insulation, drylining and road tunnels.
Phelan Construction
Phelan Construction offers interior design, refurbishment and construction services.
John Parker & Son Ltd
John Parker & Son Ltd provides a variety of steel related services such as fabrication, processing and stockholding.
Oakmont Construction
Oakmont Construction provides a range of construction services for blue chip clients.Gomez
Gomez supplies supermarkets with a large range of fresh produce.
The Scale Up programmes in Kent provide a six-month bespoke programme of support beginning with a workshop for the entire cohort to introduce the programme and its concepts. Following the workshop the business coach holds an exploratory meeting with the individual businesses to conduct a survey and identify issues within the business leading to a tailored plan of activity and targets/goals.
Participants then receive intensive support with the business coach visiting them on a monthly basis to offer advice, support and planning to meet monthly goals and programme goals. Company progress against goals is monitored via a software programme that allows easy visual reference. Programme participants can also draw on the resources of the Chamber, the Growth Hub and the Council to help resolve issues such as funding, infrastructure and regulation. The programme ends with a workshop involving the next cohort to discuss outcomes.
Scaleup Views
The key barriers to growth are Markets in the UK, Talent and Leadership development. They are looking for support through public sector funding for innovation/R&D, Innovate UK, LEPs/Growth Hubs and local or national government.
Top barriers to growth
- Markets in the UK
- Talent
- Leadership development
want TO SEE more of:
- Public sector funding for innovation/R&D
- Innovate UK
- LEPs/Growth Hubs
- Local or national government