Swindon and Wiltshire

Total number of scaleups

No. by employee growth

No. by turnover growth

No. by employee and turnover growth

Total employees

Total turnover
Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Employee Growth
Dyson designs home utilities products such as vacuum cleaners and hairdryers.
Aspire Defence Capital Works
Aspire Defence Capital Works operates a construction firm that develops accommodation for the military.
JB Global
JB Global operates an e-commerce retailer, specialising in furniture.
Bath ASU
Bath ASU provides manufacturing services for pharmaceutical products. Services include deployment of clinical trials, batch manufacturing and patient-specific manufacturing.
Rygor operates a Mercedes-Benz dealership, as well as offering MOT services.
Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Turnover Growth
Knees Home & Electrical
Knees Home & Electrical sells home appliances, furnishings and ware.
One 77 Mortgages
One 77 Mortgages provides mortgage and insurance advisory services.
Tetronics International
Tetronics International constructs waste and recovery plants that are specially designed based on tests conducted on the particular waste material prior to construction at their testing site.
Wessex Catering
Wessex Catering offers catering and electrical maintenance services.
Woods Valldata
Woods Valldata has developed a range of software that allows charities to manage their fundraising activities such as donations, raffles and lotteries.
Local LEP ScaleUp Programmes
Scaleup leaders receive intensive support from Inspire Elite with a programme of peer-to-peer networking and workshops as well as one-to-one guidance from dedicated account managers and senior management team mentoring. They are guided to develop 3-5 year strategies for growth. In January Inspire Elite launched The Virtual Board to provide entrepreneurs with more access to mentors and non-executive directors. The Virtual Board provides 8 hours of board-level support a year but interestingly most businesses taking up the service have chosen to upgrade this offering, even to one full day per month. Inspire also helps scaleups find suitable incubation and flexible office space through its partnership arrangements with Wiltshire-based The Enterprise Network which provides incubation space in 10 locations across the county, The Engine Shed, The Science Park, UWE Future Space and several commercial providers in Bristol.
The Swindon and Wiltshire Growth Hub has now developed a fully operational business support service with 13 members and this year the LEP launched its SME Competitiveness Programme for businesses with ambitious growth plans. Businesses will receive advice from Growth Hub Business Navigators and scaling companies and scaleups will be referred to the University of Bath SetSquared Programme.
Scaleup Views
The key barriers to growth are Infrastructure, Equity finance/Growth capital, Markets in the UK and Talent. They are looking for support through LEPs/Growth Hubs, public sector funding for innovation/R&D, British Business Bank, Innovate UK and local or national government.
Top barriers to growth
- Infrastructure
- Equity finance/Growth capital
- Markets in the UK
- Talent
want TO SEE more of:
- LEPs/Growth Hubs
- Public sector funding for innovation/R&D
- British Business Bank
- Innovate UK
- Local or national government