Swindon and Wiltshire

Total number of scaleups

No. by employee growth

No. by turnover growth

No. by employee and turnover growth

Total employees

Total turnover
Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Employee Growth
Gilo Industries Group
Gilo Industries Group has developed a range of aerospace technologies, including improved engine technology and prototype powered paragliders and flying cars.
Ark Data Centres
Ark Data Centres designs and runs data centres for businesses, aiming to offer sustainable energy, connectivity and security.
Downes Transport & Distribution
Downes Transport & Distribution provides goods haulage and warehousing services.
Stonewood provides building and refurbishment services.
gensmile operates a chain of dental practices.
Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Turnover Growth
Gilo Industries Group
Gilo Industries Group has developed a range of aerospace technologies, including improved engine technology and prototype powered paragliders and flying cars.
Love 2 Care
Love 2 Care offers a range of domiciliary care services.
Recycling Technologies
Recycling Technologies has developed a process that can convert mixed plastic waste into heat and electricity.
Parajet sells a range of paramotors and provides paramotoring lessons.
gensmile operates a chain of dental practices.
Local LEP ScaleUp Programmes
Scaleups access support and advice through the Growth Hub’s Business Navigators who refer scaling companies on to tailored support including the University of Bath’s SetSquared Programme. This links entrepreneurs with the research and expertise of six university partners. Scaleups can also access to SetSquared’s Innovation Workout – a two-day online programme that supports companies to build a practical strategy for future growth. In addition, online support available via the Growth Hub’s website guides scaleups through a range of issues and challenges including developing their brand and preparing for growth. The website also hosts a Funder Finder. A new Business Cyber Centre – the first in the UK – offers business incubation space to Cyber-related businesses. The Centre aims to be a leading SME partner, driving resilience and building cyber confidence.
Scaleup Views
The key barriers to growth are Access to infrastructure/premises / broadband/, UK Markets & International Markets and Access to the talent you can hire. They are looking for support through Dedicated, tailored scaleup support focused on growthand want easier acces to Innovate UK.
Top barriers to growth
- Access to infrastructure/premises / broadband/
- UK Markets & International Markets
- Access to the talent you can hire
want TO SEE more of:
- Dedicated, tailored scaleup support focused on growth
- Innovate UK