Thames Valley Berkshire

Total number of scaleups

No. by employee growth

No. by turnover growth

No. by employee and turnover growth

Total employees

Total turnover

Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Employee Growth

Windsor Estates
Windsor Estates operates a holding company for a number of commercial and residential property development businesses.

TravelUp provides travel agency services for a wide range of customers.

CloudFactory connects data work outsourcers to businesses in the UK and USA.

Waylands Automotive
Waylands Automotive operates a number of Volvo car dealerships.

Rebound Group
Rebound Group operates a number of electronic components companies such as Freeway and Rebound Electronics .

Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Turnover Growth

Excis Compliance
Excis Compliance provides a range of IT support, installation, and security services.

Bridewell Consulting
Bridewell Consulting provides managed cyber security, data privacy and protection services, as well as technology risk assessments.

M4 Recruitment
M4 Recruitment provides recruitment services to clients and candidates.

Waylands Automotive
Waylands Automotive operates a number of Volvo car dealerships.

Roc Technologies
Roc Technologies provides their clients with a range of IT support and consultancy services relating to technology transformation.

Local LEP ScaleUp Programmes

Thames Valley Berkshire uses an account management system led by a team of specialist business advisers to support and help ambitious scaleups in Berkshire access the support they need to grow faster and create a better connected scaleup ecosystem. A new High Growth programme, launching in January 2023, specifically targeted at scaleups will provide five workshops focused on key scaleup challenges such as marketing, building leadership capacity and access to growth capital. One-to-one support will also be provided through specialist associates on areas not suited to a workshop format, covering topics including legal and HR issues. The LEP’s Business Capital Grants Fund helps scaleups capitalise on expansion opportunities and tackle barriers to growth in order to increase productivity, generate new employment or to help facilitate greener, cleaner growth. Further support is available through the LEP’s Funding Escalator which provides next stage finance through loans and equity and Berkshire Low Carbon Workspaces grants aimed at businesses looking to de-carbonise their workspaces. DIT’s Internationalisation Fund is available to scaling companies looking to expand into new international markets.

Scaleup Views

The key barriers to growth are UK Markets & International Markets, Debt & Equity Finance and Talent, Tax breaks, Infrastructure. They are looking for support through Funding/support for innovation and R&Dand want easier acces to National Government.

Top barriers to growth

  1. UK Markets & International Markets
  2. Debt & Equity Finance
  3. Talent, Tax breaks, Infrastructure

want TO SEE more of:

  • Funding/support for innovation and R&D
  • National Government

A new local innovation strategy is in development to support the scaleup ecosystem. Following the development of the High Growth Programme further cross county growth support is being considered through the potential creation of a new ‘county deal’ bringing together the six local authority districts.