Thames Valley Berkshire

Total number of scaleups

No. by employee growth

No. by turnover growth

No. by employee and turnover growth

Total employees

Total turnover
Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Employee Growth
The Knowledge Academy
The Knowledge Academy provides training courses for businesses and individuals through different mediums such as face-to-face and online, across a range of areas such as IT, health and safety management and business management.
West Berkshire Brewery
West Berkshire Brewery operates a brewery.
Austin Fraser
Austin Fraser operates a recruitment agency focused on technical engineering, IT and life sciences recruitment.
ESP offers a range of IT support and consultancy services.
Nature’s Finest
Nature’s Finest has developed a range of fruit salads in juice.
Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Turnover Growth
Mitchellson provides construction and property development services.
ESP offers a range of IT support and consultancy services.
Thomas Homes
Thomas Homes operates a property development company, focussing on residential homes.
Displaydata (formerly ZBD Solutions) designs and supplies electronic shelf labels (ESL) and associated software products for the retail industry.
Nature’s Finest
Nature’s Finest has developed a range of fruit salads in juice.
Local LEP ScaleUp Programmes
ScaleUp Berkshire Partners work one-to-one with businesses across all sectors to understand their needs and connect them with relevant and specialist services as well providing them with tools to implement and monitor their business strategy. This support is demand-led and scaleups can draw on their Scaleup Partner as and when they need support.
The Partners act as account managers connecting scaleup leaders with the wide range of private and public providers who exist in the ScaleUp Berkshire Consortium. A micro-site includes links to core offers from Consortium partners, a list of relevant events as well as case studies to inspire businesses to scale and grow.
One of the top three barriers to growth for local scaleups is talent recruitment. The LEP has worked with Founders4Schools (F4S) through the Careers & Enterprise Company to connect schools and colleges with businesses in the local area. Around 1000 business leaders are now listed on the F4S website and 73 business leaders have volunteered 717 hours of their time to visit classrooms or to host work experience placements in the LEP area.
Scaleup Views
The key barriers to growth are access to UK markets, access to talent and access to international markets. They are looking for support through peer networks, general business support from government, funding for innovation and R&D and Growth Hubs.
Top barriers to growth
- Access to talent
- Access to UK markets
- Access to international markets
want TO SEE more of:
- Growth Hubs
- Peer networks
- Public sector funding for innovation and R&D
- General business support from government