York and North Yorkshire
Total number of scaleups
No. by employee growth
No. by turnover growth
No. by employee and turnover growth
Total employees
Total turnover
Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Employee Growth
Lightwater Quarries
Lightwater Quarries supplies sand, gravel and concrete to the construction industry and carries out quarrying activity.
Abingdon Health
Abingdon Health specialises in medical diagnostics on samples taken outside of the body.
Karro Food Group
Karro Food Group (previously part of the VION group) produces and processes pork.
Gregory Property Group
Gregory Property Group develops and sells a range of residential, commercial, and industrial properties.
Hemingways Marketing Services
Hemingways Marketing Services provides and distributes gift vouchers and cards for retailers.
Top 5 Visible Scaleups by Turnover Growth
Lightwater Quarries
Lightwater Quarries supplies sand, gravel and concrete to the construction industry and carries out quarrying activity.
Karro Food Group
Karro Food Group (previously part of the VION group) produces and processes pork.
Abingdon Health
Abingdon Health specialises in medical diagnostics on samples taken outside of the body.
Statement operates a Shopify Plus agency, assisting brands with setting up their e-commerce stores.
Pinpoint Designs
Pinpoint Designs develops Magneto technology as well as providing some digital marketing services.
Local LEP ScaleUp Programmes
A team of business relationship mangers supports scaleups across North Yorkshire, using business diagnostic tools to identify the right package of support to help drive future growth. Programmes tailored to scaling businesses include skills and mentoring services and specialist programmes covering innovation, export, investment and finance. Further support is available through a series of webinars and seminars and scaleups can also draw on a comprehensive suite of online support. The LEP works in partnership with local authorities to deliver scaleup support.
Scaleup Views
The key barriers to growth are Markets / Talent, Access to Government / Finance and . They are looking for support through Funding/support for innovation and R&Dand want easier acces to Help to grow.
Top barriers to growth
- Markets / Talent
- Access to Government / Finance
want TO SEE more of:
- Funding/support for innovation and R&D
- Help to grow