The ScaleUp Institute was formed to ensure the UK becomes not only the best place to start a business, but to scale it.
Today, in releasing the Industrial Strategy Green Paper, the UK Government has fully recognised the importance of our UK scaleups and creating an environment at local and national levels that is fit for purpose to the needs of our fastest growing firms.
The ScaleUp Institute is delighted that many of its recommendations featured in the 2014 ScaleUp Report and 2016 Review were woven into the Industrial Strategy: Most notably, in the commitment to review the use of HMRC data in identifying scaleup businesses and the appointment of the Rt Hon Margot James, Minister for Small Business, as a cross-Government ScaleUp Champion to lead a public and private sector task force.
Getting the right talent, capital, procurement and international access is critical to our scaling businesses. This Industrial Strategy for a modern age is a vital plank for creating this future and the components needed for a sustainable ‘ScaleUp Nation’.