Scaleup programmes

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Sharing in Growth (SiG)

Access to Markets

Impact for scaleups


Value of contracts won


Participants noted increase in workforce knowledge and skills


introduced new or improved processes/practices


improved leadership and management behaviours


ROI after 12 months


NPS score

Key sectors

Engineering / Advanced Engineering Manufacturing / Advanced Manufacturing
Action through supply chains

Launched in 2013, Sharing in Growth’s (SiG) aim is to support scaling businesses in the UK’s manufacturing and engineering supply chains to improve their productivity and competitiveness and be better placed to win a share of global markets. Over the last 10 years SiG has collaborated with over 100 companies across a range of industries, initially focused on aerospace it now supports diverse busineses including  defence, offshore renewables, medical (NHS), Modular Methods of Construction (MMC), and nuclear sectors.

Supported by a team of 100 business coaches, scaling firms with turnover between £5m-£100m, are offered long-term, intensive and holistic leadership and management support. Over four years, a typical beneficiary receives around £1m worth of training and development. There is no upfront funding commitment, however businesses are asked to match the value of support in-kind.

The  programme is delivered over three phases: first, a whole firm diagnostics assessment; second a “develop” phase of high intensity training over two years; and finally, a “sustain” phase over 2-3 years to ensure that support is embedded. Throughout this period, alongside assistance from their business coach, scaling businesses receive support from a network of 19 specialist partners including the University of Cambridge’s Institute for Manufacturing, Deloitte, Multiverse and the National Physical Laboratory. Launched in 2022, SiG also provides an online learning platform to supplement onsite coaching and increase the speed and impact of business transformation. It covers 10 key areas including operational excellence, lean leadership behaviours, quality, and supply chain management.  

The last few years’ complex economic challenges due to Covid-19 and the transition to new trading arrangements with Europe and beyond has made the key programme deliverables of accelerating productivity, diversifying and winning new customers vital. The programme’s independent assessment, published in 2021 by BEIS, showed significant impact and specifically on employment and turnover. Scaling businesses completing the programme, showed 30% more average turnover growth than the control group companies. Additionally, participants reported a positive impact of SiG on leadership attitudes and behaviours and business strategy. This resulted in improvements in wider workforce engagement, confidence and behaviour to implement changes within businesses. 

“Since the start of our partnership, the support of Sharing in Growth has helped Rockford to develop our business significantly, transform our culture, create a farsighted strategy and deliver operational performance in line with world-class practices. As a result, we have secured c. £30 million in contracts and grown our workforce by 50%.” – Peter Lion, Managing Director, Rockford

Sharing in Growth (SiG) website