Explore the ScaleUp Annual Review 2024
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Introduction 2024
Across the North West there are 3,005 scaleups with key clusters in Wholesale & Retail:, Professional, Scientific & Tech, Health & Social Work and Admin & Support Services. There are 1,385 businesses in the scaling pipeline growing between 15-19.99%.
There are 5 localities within the North West and over the eight year trend since monitoring began we see on a regional level:
- The average of the region increased slightly from 39.9 in 2013 to 40.5 in 2021 in scaleup density (up 0.6 per 100k population). By comparison the national average increased by only 0.3 scaleups per 100k population during this time period.
More locally we observe:
- Cheshire and Warrington is the only locality tracking above national average for the whole monitoring period and in 2021, Greater Manchester surpassed the UK average in scaleup density
- In the Liverpool City Region, scaleup density in 2021 was 34.2 scaleups per 100k population. Despite a decrease since 2020, average growth in density from 2013-2021 is 0.4 scaleups per 100k population per year.

Introduction 2024
