Explore the ScaleUp Annual Review 2023

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Across the South East region there are 10,795 scaleups (including 6,300 from London) with key clusters in Professional, Scientific & Tech, Info & Communication and Wholesale & Retail. There are 4,605 (including 2,375 from London) businesses in the scaling pipeline growing between 15-19.99%.

There are 8 localities and 110 Local authorities within this region. Over the eight year trend since monitoring began we see on a regional level:

  • The average of the region has increased from 52.3 in 2013 to 56.6 in 2021 in scaleup density – an increase of 4.3 scaleups per 100k population . By comparison the national average increased by only 0.3 scaleups per 100k population during this time period.

More locally we observe:

  • Apart from London, Oxfordshire and Thames Valley Berkshire have tracked above the national as well as the regional average since 2017
  • While Enterprise M3 was the third highest in scaleup density in 2017, it has since shown a continuous decreasing trend falling to the fifth place in 2021.